
Business On-Demand

Breakthrough Anything

With Nick Seneca Jankel

A breakthrough experience like no other. 21 days of short yet powerful mindfulness meditations and guided visualisations to ensure you de-stress permanently and make significant transformations in the nitty gritty of everyday life.

Powered by Breakthrough Biodynamics, Nick Seneca Jankel’s unification of the latest science with timeless wisdom ensures you create, breakthrough and thrive.

Change Is The Only Constant

With Peter Merry
This online talk, filmed live, discusses how to manage change.

Change is coming at us from all angles – complex social and ecological challenges are hammering on our doors, our organisations keep re-organising and our families somehow continue to trigger those pain points. How do we not just stay afloat but actually utilise these chaotic and unstable times to our greatest advantage – individually, organisationally and societally?

This talk will help you see that what you are experiencing is actually pretty normal, enable you to get a handle on it all, give you some perspectives and point to some tools to ride these times effectively.  It will leave you with both inspiration as well as specific actions to move forward with.

Filmed as one talk lasting 28 minutes.

How to be Resilient

With Rowan Gray

Resilience is essential for people who want to create change. Research conducted a few years ago by Relume, the consultancy which Rowan works helps to run, involved interviewing business leaders, but specifically those who challenge the status quo. Through these conversations, and their own experience of working within high-profile organisations, they noticed a number of common behaviours in terms of what it takes to create a positive disturbance in a department, organisation or market sector.

One of the stand-out findings was that the ability to bounce back quickly from challenging situations was one of these behaviours. Some people even thrived in these testing circumstances.

What was also interesting is that people commonly mistake resilience for endurance. To endure is to continuously push the body and mind to the limit for prolonged periods of time without giving up. It’s the same with companies. Many wellbeing programs ask employees to be well enough to cope in organisations that are increasingly complex, uncertain and fast-paced.

But to be resilient is different. A degree of endurance is still required but it also means recovering quickly and using the experience to learn, adapt and do something different. It doesn’t mean putting up with more of the same.

Using a mixture of insight, real stories and practices, this workshop will help shift you from an endurance mindset to a resilience mindset.  To read more on resilience here.

This can also be delivered as a live webinar by Zoom or similar platform.

How To Motivate Yourself And Others

With Fiona Buckland

Motivation is the difference between waking up excited about the day ahead and dragging yourself out of bed with a heavy heart. It is the key to unleashing potential and realizing our greatest achievements. But according to recent studies, only 16% of people are actively engaged in their working lives. The vast majority are just turning up and coasting to pay the mortgage. Join us in an energising talk that will help you motivate yourself and the people around you.

Sometimes we all need a boost of motivation in our lives. When you face a challenge – whether that’s chosen or brought to your door, after a setback, when you want to make some change in your life. Connecting with why you care, what matters to you, why you are doing something – the vital role of the emotions.

This talk aims to help you get motivated, stay motivated and motivate others.

Filmed as one talk lasting 40 minutes.

How To Prevent Burnout In The Office

With Dr Shomit Mitter
Online talk filmed live on how to deal with stress, learn to relax, sleep better and prevent burnout – tools, tips & techniques for a better life

This online talk covers what it really takes to be positive, strong and motivated under stress.


This filmed live talk covers how to deal with stress, learn how to relax, sleep better and not get triggered. It offers tools, tips and techniques for a better life and an understanding of what it really takes to be positive, strong and motivated under stress. You will leave with a clear understanding of the reasons why you get triggered, aggressive and exhausted when stressed, along with concrete steps you can build into your everyday life to remedy this, so you’ll feel less stressed and sleep better.

This very practical session is vital if you want to improve not just your performance at work but the way you view life as a whole. It covers

  • Staying energised
  • How to relax
  • Tips for how to do all of this at home as well as at work
  • How to get a good night’s sleep
  • Practice – the protocol for acute stress
  • Practice – the protocol for chronic stress
  • What you need to ask yourself every day to keep yourself on track

Filmed as one talk lasting 50 minutes.

Hyperthinking New Mindset (E-WORKSHOP)

With Phil Weiss

Improve your day-to-day learning & creativity

“Phil Weiss is a truly original thinker of our times” Nick Molden

Train your mind for success with the right thinking tools and habits.

The world is changing fast and just catching up isn’t enough to succeed. Successful people know how to stay ahead of changing circumstances. With the right thinking tools, you can adopt that mindset too.   Just catching up isn’t enough to succeed. The people who are going to be most successful in the new environment we live in today are the ones who are capable of adapting themselves to their new world. Hyperthinking is a new mindset which includes a set of tools which can help you to manage the challenges you are facing everyday in a constantly changing environment. These tools can teach you how to see other people’s perspective better, to understand your clients, your workmates or your friends needs better; how to turn creativity into a habit both at work and at home; how to become a self-learner, so you are constantly improving your knowledge and your position; how to take advantage of your networks and how to make your ideas happen at digital speed.

HyperThinking helps you manage different challenges: from appreciating contradictory perspectives to managing conflicts, from increasing the quality of meetings to understanding your clients and co-workers. At the same time it supports your own learning process and increases your creative potential.

Regular use of HyperThinking tools equips you for working in and taking advantage of our new environment where change is the only constant and where ideas materialise at digital speed.

Phil wrote his book “HyperThinking,” defining the mindset needed to survive and thrive in the age of networks. The HyperThinking model is built upon the assumption that the most important skill required to help you and your organisation grow is your mindset.

Interested to read more about the book? See here.


  • Shift your own perspectives and get more positive results from your meetings
  • Be creative in a systematic way and bring more creativity to your work
  • Achieve success by making the right move at the right time
  • Develop a better understanding of different perspectives and improve your capacity for empathy
  • Learn how to find less obvious solutions and stay one step ahead of others
  • Increase your learning capacity and expand your knowledge resources

Please also see here for another TEDxTALK by Philip named Hyperthinking in TEDxGateway (India 2013)

PLEASE NOTE: There is only one version download of this workshop, so no separate HD/SD version.

Leadership: What it really takes

With Dr Shomit Mitter

‘Leadership: What It Really Takes’ is a 5-session workshop that will give you the essence of what you need to do to in order to become a truly inspirational leader.

It will teach you:

  •  How to deal with the type of stress that can be crippling – but which you feel you can’t confess to anyone within your organisation
  •  What it means to be “visionary” and what it takes to see your vision through into practice.
  •  How to inspire your team and lead them into uncharted waters, whilst also dealing with the doubters and the trouble-makers.
  •  How to build a head of steam so that you have the momentum to ensure that your project delivers on its promises

In each session, Shomit introduces you to a principle and then guides you through a practical exercise which will hardwire each of the concepts into your thinking, so that they become effortless. After all, you want to become a leader, not just someone with interesting ideas on leadership.

“ Shomit is about delivering real, actionable solutions to both personal and business-related problems rather than seeking to endlessly dissect and analyse issues. Without doubt the most talented coach I have ever had the pleasure to meet. ” — Adam Akbar, Entrepreneur

“ Shomit started working with me at a time when I was disillusioned with my working life and had very little disposable income. It was always a dream of mine to start my own business but it seemed like an impossible feat. Shomit tackled the root of the problem and helped me believe in myself. Today I am in a position that I could not have imagined 5 years ago, selling to customers all around the world and have experienced excellent growth in the business. Shomit, I cannot thank you enough for all of your help. ” — Dave Rai, Business owner

Mindfulness in the Workplace

With Rohan Narse

Following this bite-sized programme in being mindful by Rohan Narse will take you on the path of least resistance to produce results. You’ll find this an experiential quest into mindfulness where you can try a few things out for yourself and return to again and again whenever you feel the need.  Just watching and listening to Rohan infuses a sense of calmness and serenity; so whether you’re at your desk or on the commute home, you’ll leave with a newfound sense of stillness in an altogether better state of mind.

This is particularly the case with the meditations which are split into short (3 mins), a bit longer (12 mins), and in-depth (20 mins) so you can choose a length to suit you.

So what exactly is it?

This is an experiential programme, focused on enabling many a moment of freedom from the discursive nature of the mind and engaging in conscious action from that state. It is artfully structured using a number of eastern and western methods of meditation.

 What can you expect?

Working through these meditations you can expect to experience a beneficial slowing down, a freshness to your life, clarity in your thinking and a state of ease with yourself and others. You can also expect to know the science behind the methods used after the experience.

 Who is it for?

It is for everyone. You may be a leader within your organisation looking for ways to to reduce your stress levels, or perhaps be more resilient, cohesive and produce results in innovative ways. You may be a senior city professional, or perhaps an entrepreneur, someone who leads a busy life and is looking to take conscious time out for a moment of calm and deep clarity.  Whoever you are, whatever your role or status, you’ll find powerful yet subtle ways to make profound changes to yourself and to your relationships at home and with colleagues.

Re-Wild Yourself

With Nick Michell

Re-Wild Yourself is an interactive and life-affirming journey with health coach Nick Michell on the importance of reconnecting with the natural environment on a daily basis and the profound positive effects it can have on our mind, body and  relationships with those who surround us.

This workshop is beneficial to all, especially those who have limited daily exposure to nature due to prolonged periods of time working indoors or those focusing on a computer screen for the majority of the day.

Nick will show you how the environment plays a vital role in personal wellbeing, and by making small adjustments in our daily life, how we can gain substantial improvements to our overall health.  He’ll also show you how to reawaken your senses and bring clarity through mindful engagement with nature, as well as learning how to build a deeper relationship with your body through physical movement and play.

These simple, easy to follow practices, can help bring about profound changes in your overall health and wellbeing.

Super States – Life Changing Tools

With Phil Parker

Super States – Life Changing Tools from the Psychology of Health, Happiness & Genius

This engaging and incredibly practical series combines tools from cutting edge neuroscience with the brain retraining skills of psychology, peak performance coaching and NLP.  This workshop will teach you how to get the best out of yourself, in every moment. You’ll become an expert in deploying the power of superstates – the skill of firing up exactly the right part of your brain that helps you deal with any situation in the most useful way.

Phil will teach you how to deeply access a wide range of vital important states of mind; including calmness, relaxation, confidence, resilience and compassion. You’ll also learn how to master the technique of rapidly recalling any of these states, so you can change how you deal with challenging situations. You’ll also learn how important the words you use are in inspiring and motivating yourself and others and discover how we can help ourselves and others to become even more excited and optimistic about the future.

We’re sure you’ll enjoy this one, it’s a real rare treat captured on video for the The Life Adventure community.  This can also be delivered as a live webinar by Zoom or similar platform for your team/organisation – contact us for more details.

The Secrets Of Resilience

With Dr Shomit Mitter
This online talk, filmed live, discusses what it really takes to be positive, strong and motivated under stress

This online talk covers what it really takes to be positive, strong and motivated under stress in order to be resilient. Stress is universal – and it is a killer. To learn how to deal with it is not just advisable, it is vital. Getting stress out of your life takes knowledge, commitment and an action plan. Resilience is a capacity present in all of us. It is the ability to both recover from setback with learning, and to adapt oneself to changed circumstances. It is more than mental toughness, it is the flexibility to find new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving in order to achieve our goals.

Our presenter, Dr Shomit Mitter is one of London’s leading hypnotherapists. He lectures widely on stress management in the workplace and has clients both in the City and more widely amongst entrepreneurs and professionals. His lectures and workshops have always been popular because they are refreshingly practical. You will leave with a clear understanding not only of the reasons why you get triggered, aggressive and exhausted when stressed, but of the concrete steps that you can build into your everyday life to remedy this and become more resilient. This lecture is vital if you want to improve not just your performance at work but the way you view life as a whole.

Filmed as one talk lasting 58 minutes.

Transformational Leadership

With Peter Merry

In today’s rapidly changing world, learning to lead and design our communities and organisations to ride the turbulence creatively is critical to our ability to make a positive impact. This workshop covers the subject of evolutionary change, and the implications for us as individual leaders, as well as for our organisational cultures and structures. It combines intellectual rigour with personal challenge, collaboration with creative expression. You’ll engage with integrative maps of organisational and leadership development, as well as instantly applicable practices for becoming more effective and dynamic as individuals and collectives.

Why do this workshop? As a result you’ll be able to:
  • Express clearly the nature of transformation as compared to other types of change
  • Reflect constructively on their own and others’ leadership capacity
  • Improve their transformational leadership capacity by taking concrete steps
  • Analyse and describe an organisation in terms of its level of development and agility
  • Choose appropriate implementation tools for large-scale collaboration
  • Design a strategy for enhancing the transformational quality of leadership and governance in an organisation
Who is this workshop for?
  • Anyone who realises that our current forms of leadership and organisation are inadequate to the complexity of change we are facing. It is for anyone already in a leadership role or wanting to play one. It is not for the faint-heart and requires significant brain-power and openness to your own personal development.
  • 14 sections with over 15 hours of material and multiple-choice quizzes to help you integrate your learning – you can work through it at your leisure and find what is most relevant to you.
  • There is much new thinking and many leading-edge practices described in the course so an open mind and willingness to experiment is important!
By the end of the course you should be able to:
  • Express clearly the nature of evolutionary change as compared to other types of change
  • Envisage products or services that help to meet the challenges of our times
  • Reflect constructively on your own and others leadership capacity
  • Improve your leadership capacity by taking concrete steps
  • Analyze and describe an organization in terms of its level of development and agility
  • Choose appropriate implementation tools for large-scale collaboration
  • Describe the impact of transformational leadership, strategy and governance in an organization
The main subjects covered include:
  • Transformation and Change
  • The Learning Organization
  • Levels of Leadership Development
  • Practices for Transformational Leadership
  • Personal Effectiveness and Resilience
  • Organizational Culture
  • Tools for Collaboration
  • Levels of Organizational Development
  • Creating an Agile Organization
  • Practices from the Future

If you would like to take this course as a more immersive experience with a group of co-learners and a course facilitator, and would like the option of getting academic or professional credits, please get in touch and we will connect you accordingly.

Presenter Nick Seneca Jankel

“Nick combines deep systemic thinking, an expert knowledge of human behaviour and strong creative flair. And he is lots of fun to work with!” World Wildlife Fund “The team are overflowing with inspiration and practical commitments towards making innovation their new way of life.” Oxfam “A glam spiritual activist.” The Sunday Times “Inspiring and enlightening.” Microsoft Nick Seneca Jankel’s unique 'Breakthrough Biodynamics' approach to leading organisational change and individual transformation has been sought out by future-forward people around the world for over a decade. Working to help spark and sustain breakthroughs using science-inspired, wisdom-wired tools and techniques, Nick has helped over 50,000 managers, hundreds of world-class companies, national governments and millions of TV viewers to switch themselves on, break out of the box and break through challenges to flourish. He is a celebrated international inspirational speaker; has been a UK ambassador for Entrepreneurship; and received a triple First class degree from Cambridge University in medicine and philosophy. He has taught at many of the most respected universities and top business schools in the world.


What’s included

On-demand access to 20 videos
2 pieces of bonus material

Price £69.99

Presenter Peter Merry

Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence Netherlands, and a founding partner of Engage!. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multi-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions. In this context, he is working on a Ph.D. with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 28 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Rowan Gray

Rowan works for is a consultant for research and advisory firm Relume that has been working since 2000 at the most senior levels of complex global organisations. Their primary research investigates the patterns of behaviour underpinning leaders and organisations who successfully challenge the status quo in themselves, their businesses and their market sector. Rowan works with a broad range of people that champion new ways of doing business, from senior leaders in large corporates to social enterprises. He has a particular interest in companies with a clear purpose beyond profit that delivers growth to the business and challenges the status quo in the marketplace. He brings curiosity, energy and fun to his work and loves to explore ideas from outside business as a source of innovation for clients.


What’s included

On-demand access to 5 videos
This workshop is only available as part of a corporate subscription package. Please contact us to discuss.

Price contact us for subscription options

Presenter Fiona Buckland

Fiona Buckland is a Professional Co-Active Life Coach trained by the internationally recognised Coaches Training Institute and is a Member of the International Coach Federation. She is also an experienced workshop facilitator, writer, writing coach. Her professional experience flows from her passion in engaging people in ways we can live richer, fuller lives. Everyone has a story that brings them to where they are today. Fiona is a Fulbright scholar and published author, with a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, where she lectured in writing and performance. Rather than continue a career in academia, she took a road less travelled and worked extensively in UK and US corporate life, including key strategic roles with Amazon and Penguin, where she worked with thought-leaders from the worlds of psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science and culture. For the last few years, she has also worked as a curator, producer and speaker coach for TEDx.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 40 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 50 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Phil Weiss

Whilst studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford, Philip Weiss launched two college magazines, started the first student radio station on a full FM licence in the UK, and received the Young Achievers Award from HM the Queen. In Brussels he set up ZN Consulting, a leading eCommunications agency, working with companies and political institutions such as the European Commission on how to use the internet to integrate and transform communication. He works with household brands such as Toyota, Microsoft, Sony, Sanofi Pasteur, UCB and various industry associations. His Hyperthinking model was developed to enable the ZN team and their clients manage rapid change and innovation to adapt their strategies and structures to the age of networks. Philip also helped to co-found TEDxBrussels. He is now Chairman of IABC Europe (International Association of Business Communicators).


What’s included

On-demand access to 22 videos
Bonus workshop material

Price £19.00

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to 5 leadership e-workshops

Price £145.00The price listed is for a single download. Please get in touch for multiple licences for the workplace

Presenter Rohan Narse

Formally an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and later CEO & Founder of an investment advisory company, Rohan experienced a physical, emotional and mental burnout. His journey to getting his life back took him across many eastern and western paths of self-inquiry and has been captured in the book 'In Search of Silence'. What he shares with us on LearnShedLive is based on his experience, and what makes this unique, is that it’s fully integrative and free of any conceptual clutter. Rohan now hosts programmes on mindfulness in the UK. He works with leadership teams and individuals within city firms and global organisations, to explore how being mindful impacts not just their professional expression but also their personal lives, enabling them to reduce stress and achieve a sense of balance and wellbeing. Clients include KPMG, Old Mutual Wealth, Academy for Chief Executives and Unilever PLC. Rohan offers a programme ‘The Inner Rhythm’ and also a conversation series ‘LSD (Love.Sex.Death)’ as experiential journeys to growing in awareness


What’s included

On-demand access to 9 videos including 3 meditations

Price £29.00

Presenter Nick Michell

Nick has been involved in health and wellbeing for over fifteen years and is member of the Register of Exercise Professionals. His client base has been broad and varied, from elite athletes to individuals recovering from long-term illness. Nick works with a wide range of health practitioners to help his clients achieve their goals, especially in the areas of behavioural change and personal development.  He is passionate about how movement and exercise can be used to enhance the quality and enjoyment of everyday life and his training methods reflect these ideals by encouraging the body to move in a natural, efficient manner. “I like to think of good health as an organic concept, how you feel physically will affect how you are emotionally. I'm really interested in how factors such as being in nature, increasing daily activity and simplifying life, even for a short time can have a profound positive affect on an individuals overall wellness”. “


What’s included

on-demand access to this class

Price £35.00

Presenter Phil Parker

Phil is an internationally renowned lecturer, therapist, author and innovator in the field of personal development. He has also changed the lives of thousands of people by designing the ground-breaking Lightning Process® seminars. He has been lecturing in NLP, Self-hypnosis and Hypnosis, Life Coaching and Osteopathy, at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, since the late 1980s. Phil’s core principle is that people are geniuses with amazing skills, qualities and talents and knowing that is the key to living a life you love. He runs a hugely busy practice based in London with his handpicked team; people from all over the world and all walks of life, including actors, celebrities and sports personalities are drawn to his clinic and have successfully made the changes they wanted. He has created a wide range of books and audio programmes which have helped thousands of individuals enhance their personal and professional lives. Phil is currently working on his PhD at London Met University researching into a new approach, The Rediscovery Process, for recovery from drug addiction; part of this research involves a Randomised Controlled Trial to analyse the efficacy of this approach.


What’s included

on-demand access to this class

Price £39.00

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 58 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Peter Merry

Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence Netherlands, and a founding partner of Engage!. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multi-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions. In this context, he is working on a Ph.D. with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School.


What’s included

On-demand access to 50 videos

Price £45.00

Presenter Nick Seneca Jankel

“Nick combines deep systemic thinking, an expert knowledge of human behaviour and strong creative flair. And he is lots of fun to work with!” World Wildlife Fund “The team are overflowing with inspiration and practical commitments towards making innovation their new way of life.” Oxfam “A glam spiritual activist.” The Sunday Times “Inspiring and enlightening.” Microsoft Nick Seneca Jankel’s unique 'Breakthrough Biodynamics' approach to leading organisational change and individual transformation has been sought out by future-forward people around the world for over a decade. Working to help spark and sustain breakthroughs using science-inspired, wisdom-wired tools and techniques, Nick has helped over 50,000 managers, hundreds of world-class companies, national governments and millions of TV viewers to switch themselves on, break out of the box and break through challenges to flourish. He is a celebrated international inspirational speaker; has been a UK ambassador for Entrepreneurship; and received a triple First class degree from Cambridge University in medicine and philosophy. He has taught at many of the most respected universities and top business schools in the world.


What’s included

On-demand access to 20 videos
2 pieces of bonus material

Price £69.99

Presenter Peter Merry

Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence Netherlands, and a founding partner of Engage!. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multi-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions. In this context, he is working on a Ph.D. with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 28 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Rowan Gray

Rowan works for is a consultant for research and advisory firm Relume that has been working since 2000 at the most senior levels of complex global organisations. Their primary research investigates the patterns of behaviour underpinning leaders and organisations who successfully challenge the status quo in themselves, their businesses and their market sector. Rowan works with a broad range of people that champion new ways of doing business, from senior leaders in large corporates to social enterprises. He has a particular interest in companies with a clear purpose beyond profit that delivers growth to the business and challenges the status quo in the marketplace. He brings curiosity, energy and fun to his work and loves to explore ideas from outside business as a source of innovation for clients.


What’s included

On-demand access to 5 videos
This workshop is only available as part of a corporate subscription package. Please contact us to discuss.

Price contact us for subscription options

Presenter Fiona Buckland

Fiona Buckland is a Professional Co-Active Life Coach trained by the internationally recognised Coaches Training Institute and is a Member of the International Coach Federation. She is also an experienced workshop facilitator, writer, writing coach. Her professional experience flows from her passion in engaging people in ways we can live richer, fuller lives. Everyone has a story that brings them to where they are today. Fiona is a Fulbright scholar and published author, with a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, where she lectured in writing and performance. Rather than continue a career in academia, she took a road less travelled and worked extensively in UK and US corporate life, including key strategic roles with Amazon and Penguin, where she worked with thought-leaders from the worlds of psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science and culture. For the last few years, she has also worked as a curator, producer and speaker coach for TEDx.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 40 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 50 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Phil Weiss

Whilst studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford, Philip Weiss launched two college magazines, started the first student radio station on a full FM licence in the UK, and received the Young Achievers Award from HM the Queen. In Brussels he set up ZN Consulting, a leading eCommunications agency, working with companies and political institutions such as the European Commission on how to use the internet to integrate and transform communication. He works with household brands such as Toyota, Microsoft, Sony, Sanofi Pasteur, UCB and various industry associations. His Hyperthinking model was developed to enable the ZN team and their clients manage rapid change and innovation to adapt their strategies and structures to the age of networks. Philip also helped to co-found TEDxBrussels. He is now Chairman of IABC Europe (International Association of Business Communicators).


What’s included

On-demand access to 22 videos
Bonus workshop material

Price £19.00

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to 5 leadership e-workshops

Price £145.00The price listed is for a single download. Please get in touch for multiple licences for the workplace

Presenter Rohan Narse

Formally an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and later CEO & Founder of an investment advisory company, Rohan experienced a physical, emotional and mental burnout. His journey to getting his life back took him across many eastern and western paths of self-inquiry and has been captured in the book 'In Search of Silence'. What he shares with us on LearnShedLive is based on his experience, and what makes this unique, is that it’s fully integrative and free of any conceptual clutter. Rohan now hosts programmes on mindfulness in the UK. He works with leadership teams and individuals within city firms and global organisations, to explore how being mindful impacts not just their professional expression but also their personal lives, enabling them to reduce stress and achieve a sense of balance and wellbeing. Clients include KPMG, Old Mutual Wealth, Academy for Chief Executives and Unilever PLC. Rohan offers a programme ‘The Inner Rhythm’ and also a conversation series ‘LSD (Love.Sex.Death)’ as experiential journeys to growing in awareness


What’s included

On-demand access to 9 videos including 3 meditations

Price £29.00

Presenter Nick Michell

Nick has been involved in health and wellbeing for over fifteen years and is member of the Register of Exercise Professionals. His client base has been broad and varied, from elite athletes to individuals recovering from long-term illness. Nick works with a wide range of health practitioners to help his clients achieve their goals, especially in the areas of behavioural change and personal development.  He is passionate about how movement and exercise can be used to enhance the quality and enjoyment of everyday life and his training methods reflect these ideals by encouraging the body to move in a natural, efficient manner. “I like to think of good health as an organic concept, how you feel physically will affect how you are emotionally. I'm really interested in how factors such as being in nature, increasing daily activity and simplifying life, even for a short time can have a profound positive affect on an individuals overall wellness”. “


What’s included

on-demand access to this class

Price £35.00

Presenter Phil Parker

Phil is an internationally renowned lecturer, therapist, author and innovator in the field of personal development. He has also changed the lives of thousands of people by designing the ground-breaking Lightning Process® seminars. He has been lecturing in NLP, Self-hypnosis and Hypnosis, Life Coaching and Osteopathy, at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, since the late 1980s. Phil’s core principle is that people are geniuses with amazing skills, qualities and talents and knowing that is the key to living a life you love. He runs a hugely busy practice based in London with his handpicked team; people from all over the world and all walks of life, including actors, celebrities and sports personalities are drawn to his clinic and have successfully made the changes they wanted. He has created a wide range of books and audio programmes which have helped thousands of individuals enhance their personal and professional lives. Phil is currently working on his PhD at London Met University researching into a new approach, The Rediscovery Process, for recovery from drug addiction; part of this research involves a Randomised Controlled Trial to analyse the efficacy of this approach.


What’s included

on-demand access to this class

Price £39.00

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

On-demand access to online talk 58 mins

Price Contact us for licensing options for your organisation

Presenter Peter Merry

Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence Netherlands, and a founding partner of Engage!. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multi-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions. In this context, he is working on a Ph.D. with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School.


What’s included

On-demand access to 50 videos

Price £45.00