
Business Live Webinars & In-Person Talks & Workshops

Leadership Awareness

With Samantha Clarke

This can be delivered as a talk or we can create fully bespoke workshops and training programs for your organisation, if you are looking to resolve a specific challenge.

It’s a fact that leaders who know themselves well and consistently hone their leadership abilities are more effective and memorable.

Have you taken the time to identify how you are perceived? What are your values, motivations and boundaries? Are they obvious to others? Leaders must take responsibility for how they are perceived and their presence. This can be delivered as a talk or more in-depth workshop and provides you with ideas, techniques and tools to assist you in your leadership development journey.

You will learn how to harness the power of your life story and past experiences, understand your signature motivations and values, enhance your self-awareness and discover how to improve your leadership presence and effectiveness.

You can expect to:

  • Develop an understanding of your signature leadership values, principles and boundaries
  • Create an acute awareness of how leaders lose their way and presence during challenging times and how to overcome this
  • Gain insights on how to build the right support teams and resources to enhance your leadership
  • Create their your own Personal Leadership Plans to ensure you are consciously self-aware throughout your life and work

Prices and more details available once we know your requirements. Please contact us to discuss.


Leading Through Uncertainty

With Jude Jennison

There are major challenges facing global leaders today. The current uncertainty in business requires a new approach to leadership.

The rapid advancement of technology has fuelled fast-paced change in business, creating a high performance culture that requires leaders to be resilient, agile and results-focused. The increased level of uncertainty and an ever-expanding workload create stress, overwhelm, fear and polarization, leading to disconnection. The world never stops and when people get caught in the same trap, they risk burning out.

Jude is an international speaker and leadership coach who has inspired people within some of the world’s leading organisations to create more human connection in high-performance cultures. In this talk she explains how increased uncertainty and an ever-expanding workload create stress and
overwhelm, fear and polarisation. She explores the challenges leaders face as human beings leading in a fast-paced technological world.

Jude shares the new habits and behaviours required to re-connect on a human to human basis and identifies the leadership qualities required to embrace differences and reduce emotional instability in a rapidly changing world.

“Jude provoked a stimulating discussion. She has a rare ability to clearly articulate complex information, often involving paradigms of both strategic context and emotional / behavioural content.” Vanessa Clarke, Senior Lecturer in Leadership, Birmingham City Business School

Please also see here for details on our Open Leadership with Horses 1 day workshop with Jude.

Learn To Breathe Workshops

With Alan Dolan
Why do you need to learn to breathe properly?

Have you ever watched a small child at play? Completely absorbed in the moment and totally unselfconscious. Perfect authenticity. No facades. Simply being. It’s a great reminder of our inherent ability to live this way. So when did we lose that ability and how do we get back there?

From a very early age we are taught how NOT to be authentic. Parents give children signals as to what is ‘ok’ and ‘not-ok’, and children adopt strategies in order to regain approval. For children, non-authentic behaviour has a short term gain. Over time however it becomes the norm, leading us further and further away from who we really are.

Our relationships with others, both inside and outside the workplace, are a direct reflection of the one we have with ourselves. You can’t hope to connect with others if we can’t connect to ourselves. If you’re looking for authenticity you need to be authentic with yourself. If you want respect from others at work, you need to be respectful with yourself. If you’d like to see through the facades of others you must get behind your own facade first.

Breathwork is your ticket back to the remembrance of your authentic self, a journey which can open you further than you ever imagined possible. It’s the best 2hrs you will ever spend.  Learning to breathe properly allows you to lighten up, and realise that you are already ok as you are. The facade you’ve spent years constructing will simply fall away as you begin to practice what you have learned in this session. You can disengage from the drama, find your centre, find joy – and consciously create a life you are happy to be a part of.

The Power of Breath

Humans have been aware of the healing power of their breath for millennia. Through the centuries we’ve developed a vast array of breathing practices, all designed to bring about physical and emotional wellbeing and connect with ourselves.

But in today’s society, we often neglect our bodies’ built-in capabilities. Imagine owning the highest specification TV in existence, keeping it plugged in on standby and then living with it for years and years without ever actually turning it on. The fact is, most of us live in ‘standby mode’ most of the time. The most powerful mechanism is literally right beneath our noses waiting to be explored, yet we rarely give it more than a passing thought.

Learning to breathe is a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with oxygen and energy, recharging our own (often depleted) systems to work to their healing capacity. And it facilitates openings in us which allow us to tap into our deeper resources and live better, easier, more joyful lives.

This breathwork session can help you back to optimum health, mental and emotional clarity and experience a better relationship with ourselves and the people we work alongside. It can facilitate the growth we need in order for us to transform into who we’re capable of becoming.

What you’ll gain from this session and further self-practice
  • Learn a technique which, if practised, will help you become the healthiest you’ve ever been
  • Feel completely energised
  • Experience deeply nourishing peace and relaxation
  • Move beyond whatever is standing between you and happiness
  • Become aware of emotions halting your personal growth
  • Let go of emotional baggage permanently and easily
  • Release anxiety and alleviate depression
The Technique

Alan Dolan’s work is based around years of exploring the most beneficial breathing techniques available to us. You’ll be taught how to use breathing effectively and be guided and supervised as you go along – paving the way for really transformative experiences.

What’s included

A 2-hr group breathwork session with an appropriate number of facilitators who will work alongside Alan to assist you.

Please get in touch with us directly to make a booking. We can accommodate up to 60 people in one session. Please contact us here.

Alan Dolan is one of the best breathworkers I’ve had the privilege to work with. His level of care for and intuitive understanding about the needs of his clients is second to none and I highly recommend him to any and everyone looking for a way to live a happier, healthier and more peaceful life”

 Naomie Harris, Oscar, Bafta & Golden Globe nominee


Marketing Agency Series: Talk It Out

With Chris Barez-Brown

The fastest, simplest way to boost your mental wellbeing.

This world is getting better and better, worse and worse, faster and faster than ever before. Our mental well-being is under threat and unless we learn to master a brain that is not designed for today; we could all be in serious trouble.

One in four people around the globe will experience some form of mental illness every year. The cost to our planet hits the trillion mark annually and with around 450 million people currently suffering with mental health related conditions it is one of the leading burdens to our healthcare system. Yet, according to the World Health Organisation, nearly two thirds of people never seek help, as the stigma that still exists around the illness is very much alive and kicking.

There are many reasons for this epidemic taking grip but one that is deeply evident is the demise of face-to-face conversation and a lack of awareness or openness about the things that are most important to us.

Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers opens with the story of a community, the Rosetans of Roseto, Penn, that seem to be vastly healthier and happier than their neighbours. Studies revealed that what made them so healthy and happy wasn’t down to food, exercise or wealth. It was the quality of their social network. They talked to people in their community every day. It was part of their day to day living; they had better lives because they took the time to talk and to listen, building deeper and more meaningful relationships as a result.

Our individualistic and technology driven landscape, exciting as it is, means we don’t talk as often. Not to real people. And the lack of, is ultimately having a detrimental effect upon our mental wellbeing.

If we don’t talk, we are essentially alone and loneliness has been proven time and again to make us unhappy. At any given time, more than one in five Americans will report that they have feelings of loneliness. A recent Finnish study showed that people of working age who live alone increase their risk of depression by up to 80%. We have lost our shine.

‘Talk It Out’ is a super simple, fun, fast, human exercise Chris created a number of years ago. He is not a mental health professional. He has simply learnt what works through the experience of training many people across many brands and agencies around the world. We also don’t claim it to be the finite answer to the complex mental health problem. What we do know is that it can help our mental wellbeing in agency life. A lot.

Why Talk it Out?

We know how to look after our bodies by eating well and exercising, yet very few of us invest in looking after our minds. Our brain is a muscle, like any others in our body, that needs to be taken care of. Talk it Out gives us the space to do just that. It is the fastest way to process complex situations and gain clarity, energy and inspiration and release our bottled-up emotions.

When we walk and talk, we access more of our subconscious and therefore much of our unseen challenges, frustrations and untapped passions come out into the light of day from the shadows of our more unconscious processing. For every opportunity that we have, we have a story. The story is our take on a situation, the one we keep coming back to time and time again. The one that keeps us stuck in today.

Just by sharing in a stream of consciousness we can change our whole relationship with what has literally been “on our minds”

Chris has run this technique with tens of thousands of people in agencies and brands (and beyond) and has researched it with Bristol University in the UK where they found that 85% of people felt better after Talk it Out.

Chris is passionate about using the technique to help people in agencies process complex situations they face on a daily basis and gain clarity, energy and inspiration through the power of authentic conversations.

Give it a try and see how you feel after this incredible session …

What they say about Chris

So much big talk about transformation… Chris actually delivers it. Time and again. Part art, part gift, part crazy man. He works his magic every time!


Chris Baréz-Browns’ interactive, energetic and playful style works every time at every level. What he demonstrates is a totally human approach to living our lives, inspiring teams to think differently and creating great impact, who wouldn’t want that?


Chris Baréz-Brown is a modern-day prophet. He has a gift…an uncanny ability to inspire change agents in my organization. Everything he touches turns to gold and shines ever so brightly.


Apart from the very insightful content and great techniques I thought the delivery was the best I’ve ever seen – very human and hilarious (and I have high comedy standards ;-))


See Chris in action delivering a Ted Talk here.


Menopause Empowerment

With Akcelina Cvijetic

This masterclass is designed for women who are interested in discovering how to transform their current experience of perimenopause and menopause into greater personal and professional power.

Menopause is a transformative part of a woman’s life that can lead to greater awareness and empowerment, both in and out of the workplace. It is one of the most commonly neglected and yet crucial areas of overall female wellbeing that needs to be addressed.

Session Outline

Menopause is marked by complex hormonal changes that have a serious impact on our female body as well as our mental and emotional health. It is characterised by multiple symptoms: hot flushes, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, mood swings and low libido, to mention but a few.

In this session, we will unravel not just the most debilitating aspects, but also the ones that cause a silent yet deep suffering. We shall explore the importance of a hormonal balance, as well as nutritional support and management of our mental-emotional needs. One of the most commonly neglected and yet crucial areas of overall wellness are the emotions that arise around the time of menopause. The main ones include: anger, resentment, frustration, feeling devalued, sad and out of control. Menopause brings a sense of loss with regards to our youth, femininity, beauty, the “empty nest” syndrome, divorce or even death of our partner. As a result, we can experience deep grief and depression during this time.

In this interactive session, which can be delivered in anything from a 1 or 2 hour masterclass, to half a day or whole day workshop, you will come away with an uplifting perspective and effective solutions on how to feel better and sail through this transformative time.

In this masterclass/workshop you will find out learn:
  • Well-known and less-known symptoms – the impact on our mind, body and spirit and how to deal with it
  • Shift from “others-focus” to “self-focus”
  • Hormonal (im)balance – the best tests and remedies to balance your hormones, moods and emotions
  • Nutritional implications and advice – dietary enemies to avoid and nutritional friends to include as well as helpful supplements
  • The emotional rollercoaster and its management – understanding a myriad of emotions that arise at this time and how to process them in a healthy way
  • Menopause redefinition can be a powerful tool to redefine our midlife as a golden bridge to our golden age – to expand our definition of ourselves and our world for a more fulfilling life
  • Effective solutions for greater menopause experience and empowerment

Menopause’s ultimate invitation is not to be defined by who we no longer are, but who we are and to make the rest of our life the best of our life. It is our rite of passage and a journey of personal alchemy and authenticity.

If you’d like to book this session for the women in your organisation click here and we’ll get right back to you.


Mindfulness in the Workplace

With Dr Shomit Mitter

What does the businessman and woman have to learn from the world of meditation? What is mindfulness and how can it be used to achieve business success?

This workshop is available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.

Mindfulness in the Workplace

With Rohan Narse

Following this bite-sized programme in being mindful by Rohan Narse will take you on the path of least resistance to produce results. You’ll find this an experiential quest into mindfulness where you can try a few things out for yourself and return to again and again whenever you feel the need.  Just watching and listening to Rohan infuses a sense of calmness and serenity; so whether you’re at your desk or on the commute home, you’ll leave with a newfound sense of stillness in an altogether better state of mind.

This is particularly the case with the meditations which are split into short (3 mins), a bit longer (12 mins), and in-depth (20 mins) so you can choose a length to suit you.

So what exactly is it?

This is an experiential programme, focused on enabling many a moment of freedom from the discursive nature of the mind and engaging in conscious action from that state. It is artfully structured using a number of eastern and western methods of meditation.

 What can you expect?

Working through these meditations you can expect to experience a beneficial slowing down, a freshness to your life, clarity in your thinking and a state of ease with yourself and others. You can also expect to know the science behind the methods used after the experience.

 Who is it for?

It is for everyone. You may be a leader within your organisation looking for ways to to reduce your stress levels, or perhaps be more resilient, cohesive and produce results in innovative ways. You may be a senior city professional, or perhaps an entrepreneur, someone who leads a busy life and is looking to take conscious time out for a moment of calm and deep clarity.  Whoever you are, whatever your role or status, you’ll find powerful yet subtle ways to make profound changes to yourself and to your relationships at home and with colleagues.

Movement for Organisations

With The Life Adventure

This topic helps participants understand that the way we move impacts the way we think. Through movement we can find more energy, creativity, vitality and awareness. These are qualities need in an increasingly complex 24/7 world. This topic will explore what might happen if we integrate more movement into our working day.

This workshop is available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.

Negative Narratives

With The Life Adventure

This topic focuses on what’s going on in your head and how this can undermine your resilience. We focus on the conditions and beliefs that lead to negative interpretations of otherwise common events.

This can be run as a session during an away day, in your office or also be delivered as a live webinar by Zoom or similar platform.

New: Healthy, happy business in challenging times

With Chris Barez-Brown


The way we’re working is changing at warp-speed, so it’s more important than ever we learn how to change our game in order to flourish in this new environment.  Our presenter Chris has some unique views on how we can take this unique opportunity to grow and come out stronger and raring to go.  By getting our energy right and playing some games with how we process and connect with others; we’ll be in a better place for everything we need to do and will be ready surf the wave of change, every day.


What they say about Chris

So much big talk about transformation… Chris actually delivers it. Time and again. Part art, part gift, part crazy man. He works his magic every time!


Chris Baréz-Browns’ interactive, energetic and playful style works every time at every level. What he demonstrates is a totally human approach to living our lives, inspiring teams to think differently and creating great impact, who wouldn’t want that?


Chris Baréz-Brown is a modern-day prophet. He has a gift…an uncanny ability to inspire change agents in my organization. Everything he touches turns to gold and shines ever so brightly.


Apart from the very insightful content and great techniques I thought the delivery was the best I’ve ever seen – very human and hilarious (and I have high comedy standards ;-))


See Chris in action delivering a Ted Talk here.


Nutrition & Gut Makeover

With Jeannette Hyde

Work, Rest & Play Nutrition & Gut Makeover – corporate programme

This progressive programme is based on cutting-edge nutritional science, focusing on preventing illness & encouraging a high rate of adoption. It’s designed to:

  • Help staff learn to make beneficial food choices throughout the day to stay energised & focused, manage weight & build resilience.
  • Encourage eating to match heritage & genes to avoid major illnesses that may run in families.
  • Suggest foods to aid relaxation & sleep, mitigate stress & prevent coughs & cold


Here we focus on eating to be energised throughout the working day, building resilience, managing weight, and avoiding burn out.


Here we look at reducing hidden stimulants in the diet, and getting the right nutrients every day to make sleep hormones. We explain the importance of relaxation when eating to improve absorption of nutrients to boost the immune system, and prevent falling ill.


This is all about the fun areas. If you eat cakes, which ones are better choices and why? If you take just one supplement, which one, and in which form? What can you eat to reduce the risk of coughs and colds? There is also a section on the new field of nutrigenetics and how genetic information can be used to tweak your diet, to reduce risk of switching on genes connected with major illnesses which may run in your family.

This programme includes:

Initial consultation

3 x 1 hour talks

A personal booklet to accompany each talk to keep and refer to

Easy food preparation and demonstrations

Healthy food/snack giveaways as gifts

DNA testing, and one-to-one genetic nutrition consultations and reports*

* Designing an individualised diet to an employee’s DNA is a new method used to reduce risk of switching on genes associated with familial illnesses.

What you can expect from this series of workshops and talks

Your employees:

You’ll find there will be strong staff engagement for starters.  The information delivered on this workshop is engaging and you can expect to see implementation of new behaviours from those that have attended.

Your organisation:

You’ll see improved absence rates, increased energy and increased motivation.

This workshop is available as part of a corporate programme. Please get in touch to discuss how we can design one just for you.

Nutrition for Performance and Wellbeing

With Suzy Walgate
This session can be delivered as a one hour overview or a series of sessions exploring the effects of different food, and drink on our performance and wellbeing.

Our bodies are miraculous machines that are designed to be fuelled and driven by the food we eat. Food is not just calories, it is medicine – some food is full of good energy medicine and some food is SO unhelpful that it actually robs us of energy while the body tries to process it.

As we deal with life’s many challenges – juggling work life with home life, we want to have a spring in our step, feel a zest for life, enthusiastic about our work, look good, slow down the ageing process, and be at the top of our game.

In this talk we will unravel some of the myths and the confusion that has developed around what we should (and shouldn’t) eat and learn some simple principles on eating for health and optimum performance.

Healthy eating does not need to be complicated or dull. You’ll learn how to make the best choices for your lunch box or what to choose in restaurants and cafes during your working day.  You’ll also learn how to manage your shopping and fridge for tasty nutritious options at home, which allow for a restful nights sleep, leaving you feeling energised in the morning and ready for the day.

Nutrition is foundational to health, and it’s in our hands.  With some simple guidance and a few small changes we’ll help you transform the health of your body and your mind.

Suzy gave a fascinating speech about wellbeing which included effective and fast stress management techniques, nutrition, yoga at the office desk and much more. Everyone was very impressed. Her presentation style was superb, engaging, energetic, and educational, and much of it has been put into practice already!”

AW, Financial Planning Manager at JCH Investment

To book this talk (or series of sessions on nutrition) please get in touch with us to request available dates and chat to us about your individual requirements.


Presenter Samantha Clarke

Over the past exciting and varied 13 years plus of experience, Samantha has worked as a brand and strategy consultant, trend and innovation researcher, emerging markets connector, style and personal brand educator and lecturer on personal and work development. After a bit of soul searching and streamlining, she realised that three main things get her out of bed are (1) teasing solutions out of matted problems (2) being a catalyst for great ideas and (3) supporting and inspiring individuals to make changes and be their best. Basically all things to do with providing happiness, ideas and change. As a result she has developed a portfolio career between lecturer & changemaker, happiness consultant and style educator, so needless to say, we’re delighted to have Samantha as part of our team. As part of our business programmes Samantha will be helping you untangle sticky issues such as defining values and visions, crafting a 'happy' employee journey, cross-cultural and communication dilemmas, relationship building, company culture design and conflict resolution to promote greater change and growth. Together we believe that building great businesses starts from the top and then a willingness to co-create with employees and we take great joy in helping founders and their teams to design a more conscious, happier approach to working together.


What’s included

Leadership Awareness - You & Others is talk or workshop available as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us for more details.


Presenter Jude Jennison

Jude Jennison works with executive boards, senior leaders and entrepreneurs to develop embodied leadership skills and create behavioural change. She is an author, speaker and pioneer of Leadership with Horses, a way of developing leadership by working experientially with horses. Jude’s corporate experience spans 25 years, including 16 years at IBM where she managed a budget of $1billion and led UK, European and global teams. Previously terrified of horses, Jude overcame her fear of them in 2011, bought a horse, left her corporate career and now owns 5 horses who she works with in Warwickshire to help leaders transform their non-verbal communication, self-awareness and emotional resilience. Jude is author of the books Leadership Beyond Measure and Leading Through Uncertainty (due May 2018) .


What’s included

This 1 hour talk is available to organisations as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us at for more details.


Presenter Alan Dolan

Alan Dolan, a world-renowned breath coach, has spent over a decade changing people’s lives (not least his own) with the simple power of breathing. After graduating from Aston University he worked overseas in Africa, Asia and for 10 years the Middle East, forging a career in the high-pressure world of communications. His last position in his “previous incarnation” was as a PR manager in the Aerospace industry. After taking a sabbatical in order to pursue his interest in things metaphysical Alan was introduced to the wonders of breathwork, and immediately knew that this would form the foundation of the next stage of his journey. Alan’s key message is that YOU are the guru, and your breath is the key. Eleven years on Alan has gained a wealth of experience in working with the breath both for individuals and businesses and lives on the magic isle of Lanzarote.


What’s included

2 hr breathwork session for up to 60 people


Presenter Chris Barez-Brown

Chris Barez Brown is a master of transformation. His unique energetic approach challenges businesses to embed a dynamic creative culture within their company ethos. Brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Unilever, Sony, Mediacom, ITV and WPP come back time and again as his results produce tangible returns on investment. The impact of his work with Unilever was recently featured in the Harvard Business Review. A talk delivered by Chris is, well, quite simply, like no other you will have experienced before. Chris’s life mission is people (with a side line in guitar playing!) This ethos, combined with a wealth of experience in innovation and leadership across 6 continents, means Chris’ talks are memorable, interactive and human. Through humour, charisma and expertise, Chris brings out the potential in everybody and people leave not just inspired and energised, but thinking a little differently about the world: Equipped with tangible skills to deliver immediate change to their lives. The Guardian recently summed up Chris’s style as ‘a long haired twinkly eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard’, which paints the most accurate picture: A dynamic business change-maker with a magical hippy vibe.


What’s included

Talk It Out is bookable as a one hour live talk as part of our Marketing Agency Series. Please contact us on for more details.


Presenter Akcelina Cvijetic

Akcelina Cvijetic Dip NN Reg CCH MPNLP TFT Dx is a leading Wellbeing Expert and Performance Coach, recommended by the 2015 Harper’s Bazaar Directory of Best Health and Wellness Therapists, Tatler Editor’s Choice of Best Wellbeing Treatments and 2016 Vanity Fair’s and Psychologies Wellbeing Guru of Choice 2017, as well as Conde Nast Editor's choice of Best Wellness Experts 2017. She uses a unique blend of highly effective synergistic therapies, namely: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Personality Profiling Enneagram, Life Coaching, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Naturopathic Nutrition and Hypnotherapy. She also draws upon the wisdom of Ayurveda, Vedanta, Mindfulness and Heartfulness. Unlike single-mode therapies, this master blend of specialist therapies offers a truly integrated, time-efficient approach that treats the entire mind-body-spirit. Akcelina's main area of expertise include enhanced cognitive and physical performance, higher emotional resilience, better stress/anxiety management, energy and sleep enhancement, optimal health (cardiovascular, digestive function and weight management), greater confidence and motivation and empowerment during the transitional times we may face in life. As well as running a successful practice in London, she gives regular talks and workshops for the Life Adventure and other organisations, both in the UK and worldwide. Akcelina is sought after by business people, celebrities and royalty, as well as the media, as their health and beauty go-to-expert. She has contributed to Tatler, Conde Nast, Porter, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Psychologies, Natural Health, Health & Fitness, Your Fitness, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Huffington Post, Country & Town, You Magazine, Kensington & Chelsea Magazine, Canary Wharf Magazine, Epicurean Life, Hi Living, Asiana, Asiana Bride, and Ruby. She also has a successful collaboration with the world’s leading luxury spas and wellness sanctuaries in the Maldives, India and Thailand.


What’s included

Menopause Empowerment is bookable as a live 1 - 2 hour talk as well as a half day workshop as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us on for more details.

Price contact us for details

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter Rohan Narse

Formally an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and later CEO & Founder of an investment advisory company, Rohan experienced a physical, emotional and mental burnout. His journey to getting his life back took him across many eastern and western paths of self-inquiry and has been captured in the book 'In Search of Silence'. What he shares with us on LearnShedLive is based on his experience, and what makes this unique, is that it’s fully integrative and free of any conceptual clutter. Rohan now hosts programmes on mindfulness in the UK. He works with leadership teams and individuals within city firms and global organisations, to explore how being mindful impacts not just their professional expression but also their personal lives, enabling them to reduce stress and achieve a sense of balance and wellbeing. Clients include KPMG, Old Mutual Wealth, Academy for Chief Executives and Unilever PLC. Rohan offers a programme ‘The Inner Rhythm’ and also a conversation series ‘LSD (Love.Sex.Death)’ as experiential journeys to growing in awareness


What’s included

On-demand access to 9 videos including 3 meditations

Price £29.00

Presenter The Life Adventure

For individuals and organisations who want to feel and think better, both emotionally and physically, The Life Adventure is a wellbeing consultancy and online platform that offers you practical tools and techniques in the form of talks, workshops, programmes and online video. We teach you how to live your life more fully, how to be more present and how to operate at your best, both at work and play. We give you clear, practical takeaways on unique subject matter that will change the way you, and your organisation, sees the world, forever.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter The Life Adventure

For individuals and organisations who want to feel and think better, both emotionally and physically, The Life Adventure is a wellbeing consultancy and online platform that offers you practical tools and techniques in the form of talks, workshops, programmes and online video. We teach you how to live your life more fully, how to be more present and how to operate at your best, both at work and play. We give you clear, practical takeaways on unique subject matter that will change the way you, and your organisation, sees the world, forever.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter Chris Barez-Brown

Chris Barez Brown is a master of transformation. His unique energetic approach challenges businesses to embed a dynamic creative culture within their company ethos. Brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Unilever, Sony, Mediacom, ITV and WPP come back time and again as his results produce tangible returns on investment. The impact of his work with Unilever was recently featured in the Harvard Business Review. A talk delivered by Chris is, well, quite simply, like no other you will have experienced before. Chris’s life mission is people (with a side line in guitar playing!) This ethos, combined with a wealth of experience in innovation and leadership across 6 continents, means Chris’ talks are memorable, interactive and human. Through humour, charisma and expertise, Chris brings out the potential in everybody and people leave not just inspired and energised, but thinking a little differently about the world: Equipped with tangible skills to deliver immediate change to their lives. The Guardian recently summed up Chris’s style as ‘a long haired twinkly eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard’, which paints the most accurate picture: A dynamic business change-maker with a magical hippy vibe.


What’s included

New: Healthy, happy business in challenging times is run as a live webinar for your organisation, or a specific team on Zoom (or similar, if you prefer another platform). Please contact us on to organise.


Presenter Jeannette Hyde

Jeannette Hyde is a BSc-trained nutritional therapist and author of a brand new book, The Gut Makeover. She makes regular appearances on BBC London radio and TV, breaking down complicated nutrition science into digestible chunks. Recent discoveries from leading scientific researchers have found that the state of our gut bacteria is not only the key to weight loss but also could lead to better mood, immunity and skin. Countless clients, five years’ clinical experience and mountains of research later, Jeannette is convinced that the key to health and weight loss lies not in our muscles or even in our minds but in our guts. Jeannette delivers many of our face-to-face (offline) corporate nutritional programmes, see here for more details.


What’s included

Work, Rest & Play Nutrition & Gut Makeover is available as part of a bespoke corporate programme. Please contact us for more details.


Presenter Suzy Walgate

Wellbeing coach Suzy Walgate has over 25 years of experience as a therapist and yoga teacher and now spends much of her time running in-depth wellbeing retreats in stunning venues. Her passion lies in teaching others about how to live their lives more fully and positively through topics which include yoga, nutrition and healthy eating, stress management, positive mindset, meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique. Suzy’s been advising people on their lifestyle for many years – the foundation of which is having a clean nutrition base from which the body can thrive. Many lifestyle factors contribute towards our health – she likes to make health as SIMPLE as possible, keeping it FUN and REAL.


What’s included

Nutrition - Feeding the Body for Performance and Wellbeing is available as a one hour talk, or series of sessions as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us on to discuss what you'd like us to deliver for you.


Presenter Samantha Clarke

Over the past exciting and varied 13 years plus of experience, Samantha has worked as a brand and strategy consultant, trend and innovation researcher, emerging markets connector, style and personal brand educator and lecturer on personal and work development. After a bit of soul searching and streamlining, she realised that three main things get her out of bed are (1) teasing solutions out of matted problems (2) being a catalyst for great ideas and (3) supporting and inspiring individuals to make changes and be their best. Basically all things to do with providing happiness, ideas and change. As a result she has developed a portfolio career between lecturer & changemaker, happiness consultant and style educator, so needless to say, we’re delighted to have Samantha as part of our team. As part of our business programmes Samantha will be helping you untangle sticky issues such as defining values and visions, crafting a 'happy' employee journey, cross-cultural and communication dilemmas, relationship building, company culture design and conflict resolution to promote greater change and growth. Together we believe that building great businesses starts from the top and then a willingness to co-create with employees and we take great joy in helping founders and their teams to design a more conscious, happier approach to working together.


What’s included

Leadership Awareness - You & Others is talk or workshop available as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us for more details.


Presenter Jude Jennison

Jude Jennison works with executive boards, senior leaders and entrepreneurs to develop embodied leadership skills and create behavioural change. She is an author, speaker and pioneer of Leadership with Horses, a way of developing leadership by working experientially with horses. Jude’s corporate experience spans 25 years, including 16 years at IBM where she managed a budget of $1billion and led UK, European and global teams. Previously terrified of horses, Jude overcame her fear of them in 2011, bought a horse, left her corporate career and now owns 5 horses who she works with in Warwickshire to help leaders transform their non-verbal communication, self-awareness and emotional resilience. Jude is author of the books Leadership Beyond Measure and Leading Through Uncertainty (due May 2018) .


What’s included

This 1 hour talk is available to organisations as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us at for more details.


Presenter Alan Dolan

Alan Dolan, a world-renowned breath coach, has spent over a decade changing people’s lives (not least his own) with the simple power of breathing. After graduating from Aston University he worked overseas in Africa, Asia and for 10 years the Middle East, forging a career in the high-pressure world of communications. His last position in his “previous incarnation” was as a PR manager in the Aerospace industry. After taking a sabbatical in order to pursue his interest in things metaphysical Alan was introduced to the wonders of breathwork, and immediately knew that this would form the foundation of the next stage of his journey. Alan’s key message is that YOU are the guru, and your breath is the key. Eleven years on Alan has gained a wealth of experience in working with the breath both for individuals and businesses and lives on the magic isle of Lanzarote.


What’s included

2 hr breathwork session for up to 60 people


Presenter Chris Barez-Brown

Chris Barez Brown is a master of transformation. His unique energetic approach challenges businesses to embed a dynamic creative culture within their company ethos. Brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Unilever, Sony, Mediacom, ITV and WPP come back time and again as his results produce tangible returns on investment. The impact of his work with Unilever was recently featured in the Harvard Business Review. A talk delivered by Chris is, well, quite simply, like no other you will have experienced before. Chris’s life mission is people (with a side line in guitar playing!) This ethos, combined with a wealth of experience in innovation and leadership across 6 continents, means Chris’ talks are memorable, interactive and human. Through humour, charisma and expertise, Chris brings out the potential in everybody and people leave not just inspired and energised, but thinking a little differently about the world: Equipped with tangible skills to deliver immediate change to their lives. The Guardian recently summed up Chris’s style as ‘a long haired twinkly eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard’, which paints the most accurate picture: A dynamic business change-maker with a magical hippy vibe.


What’s included

Talk It Out is bookable as a one hour live talk as part of our Marketing Agency Series. Please contact us on for more details.


Presenter Akcelina Cvijetic

Akcelina Cvijetic Dip NN Reg CCH MPNLP TFT Dx is a leading Wellbeing Expert and Performance Coach, recommended by the 2015 Harper’s Bazaar Directory of Best Health and Wellness Therapists, Tatler Editor’s Choice of Best Wellbeing Treatments and 2016 Vanity Fair’s and Psychologies Wellbeing Guru of Choice 2017, as well as Conde Nast Editor's choice of Best Wellness Experts 2017. She uses a unique blend of highly effective synergistic therapies, namely: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Personality Profiling Enneagram, Life Coaching, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Naturopathic Nutrition and Hypnotherapy. She also draws upon the wisdom of Ayurveda, Vedanta, Mindfulness and Heartfulness. Unlike single-mode therapies, this master blend of specialist therapies offers a truly integrated, time-efficient approach that treats the entire mind-body-spirit. Akcelina's main area of expertise include enhanced cognitive and physical performance, higher emotional resilience, better stress/anxiety management, energy and sleep enhancement, optimal health (cardiovascular, digestive function and weight management), greater confidence and motivation and empowerment during the transitional times we may face in life. As well as running a successful practice in London, she gives regular talks and workshops for the Life Adventure and other organisations, both in the UK and worldwide. Akcelina is sought after by business people, celebrities and royalty, as well as the media, as their health and beauty go-to-expert. She has contributed to Tatler, Conde Nast, Porter, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Psychologies, Natural Health, Health & Fitness, Your Fitness, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Huffington Post, Country & Town, You Magazine, Kensington & Chelsea Magazine, Canary Wharf Magazine, Epicurean Life, Hi Living, Asiana, Asiana Bride, and Ruby. She also has a successful collaboration with the world’s leading luxury spas and wellness sanctuaries in the Maldives, India and Thailand.


What’s included

Menopause Empowerment is bookable as a live 1 - 2 hour talk as well as a half day workshop as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us on for more details.

Price contact us for details

Presenter Dr Shomit Mitter

Shomit comes from an intellectual perspective, with a M.Phil from Oxford University and a Ph.D from Cambridge University. He trained as a hypnotherapist under Dr. Keith Hearne and Dr. Roger Woolger, and has spent 30 years studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing. Much of his work over the years has involved an amalgamation of these systems with cutting edge modern western hypnotherapy. The results are both powerful and easy to use. If you get the chance to enroll in some of his mind-blowing workshops, take it. The meditations are some of the most powerful we’ve ever experienced and the stories of his mother’s friendship with Mother Teresa remind you that you’re in the presence of a unique individual who’s giving you a unique insight into the world. If you ever need reminding that the world is a stage and we are merely actors taking up our roles, then best let Shomitt lead you through it, with intelligence, awe and finesse.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter Rohan Narse

Formally an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and later CEO & Founder of an investment advisory company, Rohan experienced a physical, emotional and mental burnout. His journey to getting his life back took him across many eastern and western paths of self-inquiry and has been captured in the book 'In Search of Silence'. What he shares with us on LearnShedLive is based on his experience, and what makes this unique, is that it’s fully integrative and free of any conceptual clutter. Rohan now hosts programmes on mindfulness in the UK. He works with leadership teams and individuals within city firms and global organisations, to explore how being mindful impacts not just their professional expression but also their personal lives, enabling them to reduce stress and achieve a sense of balance and wellbeing. Clients include KPMG, Old Mutual Wealth, Academy for Chief Executives and Unilever PLC. Rohan offers a programme ‘The Inner Rhythm’ and also a conversation series ‘LSD (Love.Sex.Death)’ as experiential journeys to growing in awareness


What’s included

On-demand access to 9 videos including 3 meditations

Price £29.00

Presenter The Life Adventure

For individuals and organisations who want to feel and think better, both emotionally and physically, The Life Adventure is a wellbeing consultancy and online platform that offers you practical tools and techniques in the form of talks, workshops, programmes and online video. We teach you how to live your life more fully, how to be more present and how to operate at your best, both at work and play. We give you clear, practical takeaways on unique subject matter that will change the way you, and your organisation, sees the world, forever.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter The Life Adventure

For individuals and organisations who want to feel and think better, both emotionally and physically, The Life Adventure is a wellbeing consultancy and online platform that offers you practical tools and techniques in the form of talks, workshops, programmes and online video. We teach you how to live your life more fully, how to be more present and how to operate at your best, both at work and play. We give you clear, practical takeaways on unique subject matter that will change the way you, and your organisation, sees the world, forever.


What’s included

on-demand access to this workshop and exclusive bonus materials are available as part of a corporate subscription package. Contact us for details.


Presenter Chris Barez-Brown

Chris Barez Brown is a master of transformation. His unique energetic approach challenges businesses to embed a dynamic creative culture within their company ethos. Brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Unilever, Sony, Mediacom, ITV and WPP come back time and again as his results produce tangible returns on investment. The impact of his work with Unilever was recently featured in the Harvard Business Review. A talk delivered by Chris is, well, quite simply, like no other you will have experienced before. Chris’s life mission is people (with a side line in guitar playing!) This ethos, combined with a wealth of experience in innovation and leadership across 6 continents, means Chris’ talks are memorable, interactive and human. Through humour, charisma and expertise, Chris brings out the potential in everybody and people leave not just inspired and energised, but thinking a little differently about the world: Equipped with tangible skills to deliver immediate change to their lives. The Guardian recently summed up Chris’s style as ‘a long haired twinkly eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard’, which paints the most accurate picture: A dynamic business change-maker with a magical hippy vibe.


What’s included

New: Healthy, happy business in challenging times is run as a live webinar for your organisation, or a specific team on Zoom (or similar, if you prefer another platform). Please contact us on to organise.


Presenter Jeannette Hyde

Jeannette Hyde is a BSc-trained nutritional therapist and author of a brand new book, The Gut Makeover. She makes regular appearances on BBC London radio and TV, breaking down complicated nutrition science into digestible chunks. Recent discoveries from leading scientific researchers have found that the state of our gut bacteria is not only the key to weight loss but also could lead to better mood, immunity and skin. Countless clients, five years’ clinical experience and mountains of research later, Jeannette is convinced that the key to health and weight loss lies not in our muscles or even in our minds but in our guts. Jeannette delivers many of our face-to-face (offline) corporate nutritional programmes, see here for more details.


What’s included

Work, Rest & Play Nutrition & Gut Makeover is available as part of a bespoke corporate programme. Please contact us for more details.


Presenter Suzy Walgate

Wellbeing coach Suzy Walgate has over 25 years of experience as a therapist and yoga teacher and now spends much of her time running in-depth wellbeing retreats in stunning venues. Her passion lies in teaching others about how to live their lives more fully and positively through topics which include yoga, nutrition and healthy eating, stress management, positive mindset, meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique. Suzy’s been advising people on their lifestyle for many years – the foundation of which is having a clean nutrition base from which the body can thrive. Many lifestyle factors contribute towards our health – she likes to make health as SIMPLE as possible, keeping it FUN and REAL.


What’s included

Nutrition - Feeding the Body for Performance and Wellbeing is available as a one hour talk, or series of sessions as part of our revolutionary business programmes. Please contact us on to discuss what you'd like us to deliver for you.
