My journey in starting up The Life Adventure follows (and sometimes mirrors) another path which I am also taking, which is to delve a little deeper (and often a whole lot deeper).
I’m approaching the end of the first year at the wonderfully named School for Wizards with Andrew Wallas. It consists of one session each month along with 13 amazing women. Yesterday was a tough day for lots of reasons and this morning I woke up at 5am wondering what the point of all this work was. I couldn’t help but think that delving deeper should carry a warning – ‘it can make you feel depressed’.
This thought whirred around my mind.
So in my moment of Monday morning soul searching, I reached out to a fellow wizard, Emma Cannon, one of the UK’s leading complementary fertility specialists, and her answer came back so beautifully that I had to share it with you. This short story filled me with so much admiration – its simplicity, its accurateness – that I immediately shifted out of my low zone and into an altogether higher gear. It went like this:
“The way I look at it is that it’s like getting all the mess down from the attic – all the stuff you put away because you couldn’t or wouldn’t deal with it at the time. It’s all over the floor now and part of you wishes you never started the job.
And the other half knows it is well needed.
It can get really messy or course, but you need to push on through and just focus on dealing with what is in front on you – the glorious bloody mess !!
There will be some truly wonderful gifts in that mess – just like the treasures that are sometimes hidden in that attic….”
Happy Monday and thank you Emma for your wisdom and insight.