Why do you need to learn to breathe properly?
Have you ever watched a small child at play? Completely absorbed in the moment and totally unselfconscious. Perfect authenticity. No facades. Simply being. It’s a great reminder of our inherent ability to live this way. So when did we lose that ability and how do we get back there?
From a very early age we are taught how NOT to be authentic. Parents give children signals as to what is ‘ok’ and ‘not-ok’, and children adopt strategies in order to regain approval. For children, non-authentic behaviour has a short term gain. Over time however it becomes the norm, leading us further and further away from who we really are.
Our relationships with others, both inside and outside the workplace, are a direct reflection of the one we have with ourselves. You can’t hope to connect with others if we can’t connect to ourselves. If you’re looking for authenticity you need to be authentic with yourself. If you want respect from others at work, you need to be respectful with yourself. If you’d like to see through the facades of others you must get behind your own facade first.
Breathwork is your ticket back to the remembrance of your authentic self, a journey which can open you further than you ever imagined possible. It’s the best 2hrs you will ever spend. Learning to breathe properly allows you to lighten up, and realise that you are already ok as you are. The facade you’ve spent years constructing will simply fall away as you begin to practice what you have learned in this session. You can disengage from the drama, find your centre, find joy – and consciously create a life you are happy to be a part of.
The Power of Breath
Humans have been aware of the healing power of their breath for millennia. Through the centuries we’ve developed a vast array of breathing practices, all designed to bring about physical and emotional wellbeing and connect with ourselves.
But in today’s society, we often neglect our bodies’ built-in capabilities. Imagine owning the highest specification TV in existence, keeping it plugged in on standby and then living with it for years and years without ever actually turning it on. The fact is, most of us live in ‘standby mode’ most of the time. The most powerful mechanism is literally right beneath our noses waiting to be explored, yet we rarely give it more than a passing thought.
Learning to breathe is a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with oxygen and energy, recharging our own (often depleted) systems to work to their healing capacity. And it facilitates openings in us which allow us to tap into our deeper resources and live better, easier, more joyful lives.
This breathwork session can help you back to optimum health, mental and emotional clarity and experience a better relationship with ourselves and the people we work alongside. It can facilitate the growth we need in order for us to transform into who we’re capable of becoming.
What you’ll gain from this session and further self-practice
- Learn a technique which, if practised, will help you become the healthiest you’ve ever been
- Feel completely energised
- Experience deeply nourishing peace and relaxation
- Move beyond whatever is standing between you and happiness
- Become aware of emotions halting your personal growth
- Let go of emotional baggage permanently and easily
- Release anxiety and alleviate depression
The Technique
Alan Dolan’s work is based around years of exploring the most beneficial breathing techniques available to us. You’ll be taught how to use breathing effectively and be guided and supervised as you go along – paving the way for really transformative experiences.
What’s included
A 2-hr group breathwork session with an appropriate number of facilitators who will work alongside Alan to assist you.
Please get in touch with us directly to make a booking. We can accommodate up to 60 people in one session. Please contact us here.
Alan Dolan is one of the best breathworkers I’ve had the privilege to work with. His level of care for and intuitive understanding about the needs of his clients is second to none and I highly recommend him to any and everyone looking for a way to live a happier, healthier and more peaceful life”
Naomie Harris, Oscar, Bafta & Golden Globe nominee