Samantha Clarke


Samantha Clarke

Over the past exciting and varied 13 years plus of experience, Samantha has worked as a brand and strategy consultant, trend and innovation researcher, emerging markets connector, style and personal brand educator and lecturer on personal and work development.

After a bit of soul searching and streamlining, she realised that three main things get her out of bed are (1) teasing solutions out of matted problems (2) being a catalyst for great ideas and (3) supporting and inspiring individuals to make changes and be their best. Basically all things to do with providing happiness, ideas and change.

As a result she has developed a portfolio career between lecturer & changemaker, happiness consultant and style educator, so needless to say, we’re delighted to have Samantha as part of our team. As part of our business programmes Samantha will be helping you untangle sticky issues such as defining values and visions, crafting a 'happy' employee journey, cross-cultural and communication dilemmas, relationship building, company culture design and conflict resolution to promote greater change and growth. Together we believe that building great businesses starts from the top and then a willingness to co-create with employees and we take great joy in helping founders and their teams to design a more conscious, happier approach to working together.