Building The Life Adventure over the past year has been a personal, as well as a professional, journey. Much of the content you see on these pages mirrors the feelings I’ve had as I’ve examined my own life during the process.
Learning about other people’s life stories can have a hugely powerful effect on us. As we seek to build and determine our own, examining our decisions, past and future, so we are also fascinated by how others fare on this journey we’ve all chosen to make.
Whilst video is an undeniably powerful medium to convey stories, what’s often hard to find is authenticity. Often, by the time it reaches our screen, it’s been played with and edited so much that it’s not real anymore and neither are the people featured in it.
So when something genuine, raw, heartfelt and authentic is presented, we really feel it. When film is powerful, it remains in the heart and mind for some time. This is such a film. It takes 5 mins to watch but the taste it leaves you with is undeniably much, much longer.
