New York Times Bestselling author Brendon Burchard remembers a time when his dreams were shattered. He could barely afford a meal or lift himself out of bed to face another day. He had just left his corporate job because he had a growing realisation that his ‘busywork’ there was not his life’s work. He took a risk and started his own thing, writing books and creating personal development videos, seminars and courses. At the time for him it was overwhelming, but it was the beginning of a live more lived. He just felt it was the right way to go and kept believing in himself and learning – he learnt every day.
Then he failed.
No one watched at first. No one enrolled at first. Few cared at first. He questioned whether he should keep at it, or give up and do something safer, more traditional, more predictable.
This short video from him describes how successful people aren’t any different from anyone else. They just believed in themselves and continued moving forward through adversity. It’s a short 6 min piece but well worth the watch for some reminders on how we can move from average to great, from frustrated to motivated.