Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them – Henry David Thoreau
Mercury will spend the coming two months sojourning within the zodiacal sign of Libra. The question that is invoked revolves around speaking openly (Cardinal Air) since that requires courage because to confidently “sing your song” is one of the most raw and vulnerable experiences that you can have. Moreover, Mercury stations in a tight octile pattern to the KeyMaster, Saturn, as well as in square to the Meta-Morpheus, Pluto and the mover-shaker, Uranus, meaning that there is considerable mental tension that needs to be earthed during this retrogradation.
Saturn’s nature is to open a door to those issues that bind and fetter you to a prevailing, but limited, way of being; Uranus’s nature is to awaken your consciousness to the possibility that you are more than you have given permission to become; and Pluto’s nature is to stir the primordial energies that lie dormant within you, so that you can become a conduit through which change is embodied. Those three archetypal forms are intimately connected to Mercury, conspiratorial whispering in his ears, planting a seed and hoping that he listens.
The challenge for poor Mercury is that he feels he is in a Mexican Standoff, wanting to back down, yet seemingly unwilling to do so. His head is wreaked, as contradictory thoughts race through his head, leaving him dizzy and disorientated. Surrounded on three sides, he has no-where but inwards to look. To his left, he knows he has to face down the mental thought forms that no longer serve him, that keep him feeling stupid as he attempts to find a different outcome using the same techniques, but he feels frustrated and unworthy; in front of him, he gets the feeling that he needs to jump ship altogether and carelessly jump into a seeming abyss, as he risks everything to the Roulette Wheel; and to his far left, he senses a Presence, a presence that he has not felt in a long, long time; a Presence that if accepted will utter consume him and send him into deeply within.
And finally, he has his own thoughts – true thoughts that he seldom shares, lest he is rejected; thoughts that dominate his unlived life, that life within his head; thoughts that carry weight, because of their unique perspective, but thoughts he withholds. Standing there, surrounded by the heavy weights, he finds himself reflecting on an age old dilemma – Should he speak up and speak his mind or should he keep quiet and let fate carry him along, as it always has?
What would you tell him to do?
Moreover, what are YOU going to do?
Will you succumb to the demons in your head and remain snared within your existing thought process, or will you take a stand and use your voice, even if you are quaking in your boots? Will you dig deep and find your note or will you scream voicelessly into the tempest?
This is a powerful time to exercise your voice; to stand up for what you truly belief; to speak out against the evil that grips the Earth; to break free from the propaganda of the mainstream media and the slavery of a system hell bent in anaesthetising you with a cocktail of lies, fear and taxes.
This retrograde is all about finding your voice. YOUR voice.
But will you? That is your choice to make.
With thanks to the wonderful Andrew Smith for this astrology update
Image Credit – Spacerace by Nathan Twistd