Many of the The Life Adventure community express their love of reading Andrew Smith’s astrology predictions on Facebook. Here’s the latest from Andrew and you can catch more of this by signing up to his Facebook page.
For those living within an awakened, more conscious, self-responsible and co-creative paradigm, there will be times wherein it is necessary to descend into the Underworld – your Underworld! Rather than fighting the dark clouds that occasionally loom overhead; rather than despair at the state of the world, its anger, ignorance and destructiveness; rather than feeling impotent and frustrated, alone and isolated, know that the dark is a time wherein you are been offered a gift!! The gift on offer is that of deeper insight – insight into how genuinely ‘free’ you are from the fear based residuals that remain within you, perhaps unacknowledged, unhealed and/or conveniently ignored!!
The dropping of these veils one at a time is merely a way in which you can focus on how oxygen starved you have been as the tentacles of conditioning become loosened, their hold on you released.
This essential descent inwards and downwards into your Deep is better described as the seeking of wisdom and growth through a cavernous inner quest. If you want to make a difference in your world, the outer conditions of your world are merely a reflection of your inner world and without facing and friending your own illusions and prejudices the world, your world, will remain within the hold of the security paralysis paradigm.
So will you accept this gift and willingly embrace the ordeal of rearranging your perceptions and transforming yourself and therefore your reality?
Thanks to Andrew for his exceptional insight and wisdom and the amazing images he finds.