Ok, so we’re a few months beyond mid-year, but we love the idea of this mid-year re-cap and reflection so much that we wanted to share it with you so you can have a go over the Bank Holiday weekend. It’s been developed by Fiona Buckland, one of our presenters, as a way to reflect upon your life and your intentions. Perhaps you’ll be taking a holiday and can find an hour or two to yourself to consider some of the questions below. Write them down if you can, or record them onto your phone, so you can look back at the end of the year when it’s another great time to reflect on your life.
1. What or whom have I loved this year?
2. When have I felt most alive?
3. How and when have I opened my heart?
4. What am I most proud of this year?
5. What have I explored? What have I discovered?
6. What are the lessons so far this year?
7. How am I growing?
8. What am I most grateful for?
9. How am I taking care of my body, mind, heart, spirit and soul? How might I do this more?
10. How am I being open-minded?
11. When do I feel most creative?
12. How am I teaching others to treat me?
13. How am I treating others?
14. Who do I need to forgive? Who do I need to ask for forgiveness?
15. Where am I feeling stuck?
16. Where is it time to let go?
17. What and how am I giving? What and how am I receiving?
18. How can I be compassionate to myself?
19. What are my greatest challenges? How am I approaching them?
20. How am I different this year than last?
21. What is something I have done so far this year that I believe I will remember for the rest of my life?
22. What is something that was hard for me at the start of the year, but is easier now?
23. Who has made the biggest impact in my life so far this year? Why?
24. What have I done this year that I have never done before?
25. What was the best decision I made this year so far?
26. What was the biggest risk I took?
27. What do I want to do and be more of in the second half of the year?
28. What do I want to do or be less of?
29. How am I positively influencing others this year?
30. Where have I found the most peace and calm this year?
31. When do I feel most connected to myself? To my purpose? To nature? To others?
32. What has been the most loving service I performed this year? What is the most loving service I received?
33. What was the best way I have used my time this past year?
34. What would be the best use of my time for the rest of the year?
35. What is most important to me?
36. How, where and what do I want to be by the end of the year? What will help me get there? What is my next small step?
37. How do I want to feel by the end of the year?
38. If this year is a crucial time in my soul’s journey, what is it about?
See our workshop, How To Tackle Your Inner Critic, run by Fiona.