This week was Blue Monday, apparently. Just suggesting that we’re going to feel down on a specific day, because of statistical evidence, is hugely demotivating so I hope you took no notice! We often start the New Year with great intentions but then life, our thoughts and worries, all get in the way. We’re often caught by all the bugs that go around too, at this time of year.
So with this in mind, I thought I would share 10 of the best ways I’ve learned over the years, to perk myself up and alter my mental state, into one that is altogether more upbeat. Fear, comparing ourself to others, worries and negative thinking, all contribute to bringing us down, so don’t underestimate the power of each of the ideas listed below to counteract these feelings.
Just take one, if that’s all you can manage, but ideally, if you can turn this into a daily routine, you will soon see the difference in your outlook and wellbeing. Trust me, these are tried and tested and I promise you, they work.
- Focus on the here and now (i.e be present and stop worrying about the future, which is unlikely to happen the way you imagine it)
- Either write down, or say to your friend or partner, 5 things you’re grateful for today and smile during the process (you should be anyway 😉 )
- Breathe fully and deeply for 3-5 minutes (up to 20, but I’m just making this easy for you now). This is undoubtedly one of the most important things you can do for yourself
- Don’t compare yourself to others – this is incredibly damaging
- Take some exercise (walk, run, jump, anything to get you moving and if you can do it outside under a tree or in some kind of nature, all the better)
- Try something new today – this can be as straightforward as trying a new sandwich bar and breaking a habit right up to going to the cinema alone if you never do that, or signing upfor a new course, hobby or exercise class
- Spend 5 minutes thinking of something you love doing
- Spend 5 minutes thinking of someone you love spending time with
- Take a cold shower! In yogic terms this is known as a Ishnaan and we’ve written about the benefits here
- Don’t check social media for at least 60 minutes on waking up. Be present to yourself/your partner/children before you start thinking about what the rest of the world is up to
Good luck!